Uchida Akira

New Album 「Moj」
May 13, 2023 Release






Moj [mohj]はペルシア語で、波。音の波に身を委ね、自己の内外と「対話」する時間を創出することが、このプロジェクトのテーマです。


It is said that the clavichord, an early type of piano-like musical instrument, was invented in Europe in the 14th century.

This instrument always reminds me of the countless stories of people trying to sense the invisible and never abandoning hope or prayer.

If you strain your ears to the soft and subtle vibration of the strings, you will perceive a myriad of sounds and your ears will sharpen. 

Street noises, engine sounds, birdsong, heartbeats, and even blood flow—all of which penetrate your cells as a natural resonance beyond each individual meaning.

Moj is a Persian term, meaning a wave. Creating a moment for a dialogue between your inner self and the external world by immersing yourself in the waves of various sounds—that’s the aim of this project called Moj.

The harmony of these two instruments—clavichord and piano—will act like a medium of sounds that makes our biased senses unbiased and will become a breeze, forming a wave that transcends our time.

Take a timeless journey and transcend your thoughts and memories through this sensuous experience.


音楽家 内田輝と、兼ねてより内田と親交のある写真家 Everett Kennedy Brownとの特別対談。表現における“Deep Time”について語り合いました。



Uchida Akira「Moj」

2CD / Sleeve Case Edition
May 13, 2023 Release

Clavichord, Piano & Saxophone: Uchida Akira
Recording (Piano): Azuma Takeshi
Photography: Sudo Kazuya (discovery go)
Design: Suzuki Takahisa (16 Design Institute)
Writing: Shinoda Shiori
Translation: Kidokoro Sayako (TRUNK)


Uchida Akira started his career as a saxophonist after graduating from a university of music. In 2008, after learning the skill of piano tuning from Yoshida Satoshi, Uchida began to tune pianos for jazz pianists both in Japan and overseas while exploring the subtle differences in sound. In 2015, Uchida became a pupil of Adachi Masahiro, a keyboard maker, and then began crafting clavichords, a type of keyboard-like instrument invented in the 14th century. 

In 2021, Uchida joined FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA, a project of Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera Temple. He constructed a clavichord from aged hinoki wood that once composed the Kiyomizu-dera Temple’s main stage, and offered the instrument to the temple as part of the project. He also played his clavichord as a dedicatory performance to the deity in the temple’s main hall. 

Making instruments himself, tuning, and being a musician—with these three pillars of his life, Uchida strives to make every subtle sound resonate. He also holds sound workshops across Japan.

内田 輝 Uchida Akira

音楽大学卒業後、サックス奏者として活動。2008年、ピアノ調律を吉田哲氏に師事。音の研究と共に国内外のジャズピアニストの調律を担当する。2015年、鍵盤楽器製作を安達正浩氏に師事。14世紀に考案されたクラヴィコード (鍵盤楽器) の製作を始める。
2021年、音羽山清水寺のプロジェクト「FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA」の一環として役目を終えた本堂舞台板からクラヴィコードを製作し奉納。本堂を舞台に奉納演奏を行う。


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